How can we utilize energy more
cleanly and efficiently?
Electrification of energy conversion system (e.g., heating, cooling, transportation, etc.) is the key for clean energy future and decarbonization.
Energy systems need to be smarter, cleaner and more efficient.
By conducting impactful thermal research at three interconnected levels: system, component, and working fluid, the ACE² research aims to develop the next-generation energy utilization solutions.
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Residential Cold Climate Heat Pump (CCHP): Compared with natural gas furnace, a properly designed CCHP can have over 30% savings in energy consumption and CO2 emissions, with a 25% saving on yearly energy. In this work, a packaged R-290 (GWP < 5) CCHP was built and tested in Herrick Labs. The CCHP prototype features two-stage compressors with two hydronic loops that ensures safe efficient and reliable operation at outdoor temperatures as low as -25°C (-13°F).
DC Nanogrid House: A house from 1920s is retrofitted with DC appliances, DC architecture with integrated smart building control, solar panels. It is one of a kind experimental demonstration of energy consumption improvements using DC power in a residential setting. Ongoing research with multi-scale sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), model predictive optimization control, thermal storage and energy storage are pursing a smarter and cleaner energy future.
Evaluation of adhesive joints in HVAC&R applications: The adhesive bonding does not require high-temperature brazing furnaces, which typically require a significant amount of power. By using this adhesive, heat exchanges have the freedom to be redesigned to be both smaller and to use less refrigerant charge, minimizing the chance of leakage. This enabling technology reduces the payback time for future high-efficiency HVAC&R equipment, a typical market barrier for energy efficient technologies.
PDSim: A general quasi-steady modeling approach for positive displacement compressors and expanders. PDSim platform was initially developed at Ray W. Herrick Laboratories with detailed working chamber model, flow model, leakage flow, friction analysis, force analysis. Based on the existing platform, single screw compressor, vapor injected compressor, etc. have been added or improved into the PDSim platform.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with conjugated heat transfer (CHT) for a twin-screw compressor with internal cooling channels: with the development of 3D printing technology, internal cooling channels in compressor rotors is can be readily manufactured. However, the heat transfer analysis as well as structural reliability must be examined using simulation methods before experimental validation. 3D CFD models with conjugated heat transfer is developed for traditional solid rotors and new hollow rotors configurations.
Oil Return and Retention in Unitary Split System Gas Lines with HFC and HFO Refrigerants (sponsored by ASHRAE): The primary objective of this ASHRAE project is to upgrade the current line sizing rules of interconnecting gas lines used in unitary split systems, which considers the effects of oil retention. The following report updates the progress of the project for the nineteenth quarter. Tasks of performing a literature review, developing a test matrix, designing and building the test setup were completed and have been reported.
Smart accumulator with oil circulation ratio sensor: Oil starvation is one of the major reasons for compressor failure in HVAC&R systems. The Purdue smart accumulator OCR sensor could provide better insight about the oil flow within a system. It would address the failure and improve the reliability of the overall system, especially one running with variable-speed compressors. The sensor also would support the efficient operation of new systems that use alternative, low global warming potential refrigerants, thereby reducing carbon footprint and increasing energy efficiency. (Click figure for news release)
Human Building Interactions Laboratory (HBIL): a first-of-its-kind interactive facility at Purdue University that will enable HVAC systems to become truly reconfigurable, right down to the specific wall panels. The HBIL consists of a fully enclosed building-within-a-building: 20 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 10 feet high. The interior walls, floor, and ceiling are a grid of 4-foot-by-5-foot thermally active panels, with hydronic heat exchangers inside. This allows each individual panel to be heated or cooled precisely, allowing uniquely localized thermal delivery (Click figure for news release).